What People are Saying






pen to paper (def): “to start to write something” 

Here is what people are saying about me …

“Thank you Tam it looks great! I certainly couldn’t have done this on my own.”

“Thank you so much, Tam!  And thank you SO much for your willingness and availability to answer my follow-up questions.  This job search thing is tough work!”

“You are awesome.  Your expert experience in this field makes me feel more confident. Thank you so much!”

“I’ve looked over the resumes as well as the job search document that you sent and it looks fantastic! My career experience on paper has never looked so good! You are so thorough and I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for helping me, I already feel so much more confident about going back to work when the time comes.”

“Thanks so much for the support you have provided …. It is really helping with my confidence.”

“You offer such a wonderful service and you are really good at what you do.”

“Thanks again 🙂 I’ll refer you to others who need resume assistance.”

“I am very happy with it. Thanks for the job search tips.”

“I love the resume thank you so much! I really appreciate all your help, and anyone that is in a similar situation I will send them your way!”

“Thanks for the advice Tam, I really appreciate it!”

“Your help with my resume made an immediate difference in my job hunt. I started landing interviews … and I landed my job. Thank you again so much for your help, I really do believe it made a difference for me and I am so thankful that you were recommended to me.”

“I have had the opportunity to review both resumes and cover letters, they are excellent. I appreciate all of the time and work you put into these and I am sure they will help me to successfully get job interviews.”


Let’s put Pen 2 Paper!  Email me on how I can help you with your resume, cover letter and job search!

Tam Campbell Trant

e: tamcampbelltrant@gmail.com

c: 289.890.0185

You can also find me on LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/tamcampbelltrant